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New Web Page FAQs


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New Web Page FAQs
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How do you start making a web page?
How do you upload documanet to your sight once it's created?

Well, the easiest way for me was to choose one of the simple web design sites like Tripod on Lycos.com and follow the instructions.  You'll have to create a username and password to start your site, but it allows you to create a variety of designs, number of pages, etc. to make it your own. 
Once you have a document you want to add, you have to go to the "File Manager" function, select "upload" and "browse" until you find the document you want on your page.  Then, click on the document, copy the URL (the unique internet address associate with that document), go back to "Site Builder" and select from the "add links button at the bottom.  After choosing where in your page you want the link, paste the URL as instructed and now that document is linked from your page.